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Why Are My Eyes So Dry When I Wake Up?

A person lying under a white blanket rubs their eyes roughly after waking up with dry, irritated eyes in the morning.

There are a few potential causes of dry eyes in the morning. Common reasons include:
Environmental factors like allergies, a lack of humidity, or sleeping with air flowing directly on your face.
Sleep conditions like lagophthalmos and sleep apnea can lead to our eyes drying out while we sleep.
Medical conditions like blepharitis and Sjögren’s syndrome, or even certain medications can lead to dry eyes.
Certain lifestyle habits like not drinking enough water, too much screen time before sleeping, or wearing contact lenses while sleeping might lead to dry, irritated eyes in the morning.

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What Diseases Can Be Detected in an Eye Exam?

A close-up of the upper half of a person's face as they sit front of a slit lamp. The lamp shines a light into the person's left eye.

Eye exams aren’t just to see whether you need glasses—they’re also an important early-warning system for eye disease. A comprehensive eye exam can also help you spot health problems that affect other parts of the body, too.  Comprehensive eye exams can detect a wide range of eye diseases, including age-related macular degeneration (ARD), cataracts, diabetic […]

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