How do I clean my glasses?

The best way to clean your glasses is by using the lens cleaning spray that is made for your prescription glasses. When drying your lenses, use a microfiber cloth.

Rinse off dust or debris from your lenses by rinsing with tap water or your lens cleaning spray, prior to wiping your lenses. You may periodically use dish soap for cleaning your lenses and eyeglass frame. Never use your shirt, tissue, or paper products to clean your glasses, these materials will create hairline scratches.

Bring your glasses into our office for a little tune-up: We clean your lenses, assure that your frame is properly aligned for optimum comfort. We tighten all of the metal screws, and change out your nose pads if needed. We recommend coming in every 3-6 months, or as needed. This is part of our service to all of our valued patients.

Pupillary distance (PD) is the distance between each of your pupils. Basically from the center of your left pupil to the center of your right pupil. We have a pupillary light reflex (PLR) is where we have the most precise vision, and PD helps measure this to ensure you have the best possible vision.

The pupillary distance is an important measurement necessary to fit glasses, but it is not the only important measurement when purchasing glasses.

When purchasing your glasses through our office, our licensed optician will take all of the measurements required for you to experience the best optical vision possible. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide certain services and measurements if your glasses were purchased elsewhere. These services and measurements include:

  • PD or Pupillary distance
  • Ocular centration
  • Segment height
  • Frame information (i.e. Eye size, Bridge size, Temple length)
  • Lens material & index
  • Multifocal design & branding
  • Optical lens features (i.e. Lens treatments)
  • Eyeglass dispense adjustments
  • Education & training on lens, frame features, & care
  • Outgoing adjustments & repairs of any nature

We encourage you to purchase your glasses from our office. With your prescription, accurate and precise measurements are required by a professional licensed optician to provide the best optical experience.

If you should decide to shop elsewhere for glasses, we do offer a Eyedeal Eyecare Service where we will measure your PD, adjust your glasses when you receive them, provide ongoing adjustments for 1 year, verify they were made correctly, and provide you lens cleaner and cloth for just $50.

To prepare for an eye exam, you’ll want to take a mental note of any changes, concerns, or symptoms you’ve been experiencing related to vision. Your optometrist will ask you questions about your vision and lifestyle to make sure you get the best possible care and treatment.

If you wear contact lenses, you’ll likely be asked to remove them before your eye exam, so make sure you have another pair with you or your glasses.

Otherwise, unless specifically directed by your optometrist, you don’t have to do anything special!

We recommend bringing your child in for annual eye exams until they are 18 years old.

Learn more about your child’s eye exam here!

For the frequency of eye exams, The American Optometric Association (AOA) recommendations:

  • Ages 5-17 should have their eyes examined yearly or as recommended by your optometrist.
  • Adults 18-64 should have their eyes examined every 1-2 as recommended by your optometrist.
  • Annually if at risk.

Patients at risk include those:

  • A personal or family history of ocular disease.
  • Belonging to certain racial and ethnic groups.
  • Systemic health conditions with potential ocular manifestations.
  • Occupations that are highly demanding visually or have a high potential of being hazardous to the eyes.
  • Taking prescription or nonprescription drugs with ocular side effects.
  • Functional vision in only one eye.
  • Wearing contact lenses.
  • Eye surgery or previous eye injury.
  • High or progressive refractive error.
  • Other eye-related health concerns or conditions.
  • Patients who have undergone refractive surgery (LASIK, PRK, SMILE) should still have an eye exam every 1-2 years for monitoring of overall ocular health.
  • Adults 65 and older should have their eyes examined yearly or as recommended by your optometrist.

A typical eye exam takes about 30 minutes. If you have specific concerns, it may take a bit longer.

Learn more about your eye exam here!

We believe in wowing our patients with our service, care, and integrity. Your vision and eye health are of the utmost importance, and we want you to experience life with the best optical experience possible.

At Eyedeal Eyecare, we offer independent frame companies that pride themselves on quality and craftsmanship with Artisans that create each eye piece by hand, and not mass produced. They believe in building a relationship with companies that care about their patients. Most of our frame collections are handmade by Artisans that have studied eyewear style and color, some of which are handmade in the USA.

Our motto is quality, not quantity. Just like with any product or service, you can always find something cheaper and glasses are no different. But when you purchase our frames and lenses, you’re guaranteed to get the highest quality frames that can last years.

Our lenses and frames are backed by a 1 year warranty. We only offer superior designs and materials which are custom-fitted by our expert licensed optician

When you purchase your eyewear from Eyedeal Eyecare, you’ll get a 1 year frames and lens warranty. This warranty includes:

  • Unlimited adjustments
  • Free bottle of lens cleaner & cloth
  • One-time replacement within 12 months (bring in all pieces)
  • Anti-glare lenses can be replaced within 12 months

Your satisfaction guaranteed!

Yes, you absolutely can! When you purchase contact lenses from Eyedeal Eyecare, You’ll get:

  • FREE SHIPPING on all annual supplies
  • 10% off annual supply
  • Competitive pricing
  • Replacement of lost or torn contacts (up to 4 lenses per year depending on type)
  • Rebates on most annual supplies
  • 30% off all non-prescription sunglasses
  • Product replacement on unopened /unmarked boxes within 60-days

Your Satisfaction guaranteed!

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  • 4940 W University Dr., Ste 70
  • Prosper, TX 75078

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Clinic Hours

  • Monday: 1:00 PM 5:30 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:30 AM 5:30 PM
  • Wednesday: 10:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:30 AM 5:30 PM
  • Friday: 8:30 AM 5:30 PM
  • Saturday: By appointment only
  • Sunday: Closed

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