Avulux Migraine & Light Sensitivity Lenses in Prosper

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Find Relief from Light Sensitivity & Migraine Attacks

Migraines can disrupt your day in a heartbeat, often leaving you feeling overwhelmed and unable to focus. For those who experience light-triggered migraines, even the simplest tasks can become a challenge. 

At Eyedeal Eyecare, we understand how migraine attacks can impact your quality of life. Light sensitivity is one of the most common migraine symptoms, and many people report bright light as a trigger. That’s why we’re proud to offer Avulux lenses, designed to help manage light sensitivity and reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks.

Visit our eye doctor today to see how Avulux lenses can help.

How Is Avulux Different from Other “Migraine” Glasses?

Avulux lenses stand out from other “migraine” or “neurological” lenses, as they’re clinically proven to help people living with migraines. The lenses are available in prescription and non-prescription options, including progressive lenses.

Experience color accuracy with Avulux lenses—no more distorted pink, yellow, or blue tints. Their neutral color allows you to enhance your comfort without sacrificing clarity or vibrancy.

How Avulux Migraine & Light Sensitivity Lenses Work

Not all light is the same. Many of the light sources we experience daily are made up of multiple wavelengths of light, like the blue light emitted by digital screens and LED bulbs. Blue, amber, and red light can trigger migraine attacks.

But here’s the good news: green light is soothing.That’s why the innovative minds at Avulux designed a lens that filters out 97% of harmful blue, amber, and red light while letting in up to 70% of calming green light.

Find Out if Avulux Is Right for You: Visit Us Today

Ready to take control of your light sensitivity? Schedule an appointment with your eye doctor at Eyedeal Eyecare. We’ll evaluate your individual needs and determine if Avulux lenses are the right solution for you. 

If you frequently suffer from headaches, light sensitivity, and other migraine symptoms, Avulux could make a significant difference in your daily life.

Talk to us about how Avulux can help you manage the impact of light on your life.

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  • 4940 W University Dr., Ste 70
  • Prosper, TX 75078

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Clinic Hours

  • Monday: 1:00 PM 5:30 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:30 AM 5:30 PM
  • Wednesday: 10:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:30 AM 5:30 PM
  • Friday: 8:30 AM 5:30 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

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