Diabetic Eye Exams in Prosper

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Ready to Preserve Your Vision from Diabetes

Your eyes are a complex network of systems all working together to provide you with sight. If an issue affects this system, it’s possible to experience various symptoms like blurry vision or vision loss.

Diabetes is one of the most common health concerns that could affect your sight. With the help of modern technologies and tailored strategies, we can help manage how diabetes affects your eyes and preserve your vision.

Request your next eye exam at Eyedeal Eyecare today.

What Is a Diabetic Eye Exam?

Diabetes is a health condition that affects how your body processes sugar in your bloodstream. It can raise the risk of several health concerns, including some that affect your eyes.

During a diabetic eye exam, we look at parts of your eye that diabetes can affect, like your retina and its blood vessels. Using a device known as the Optos optomap, we can generate highly detailed images of the inside of your eye and detect potential issues related to diabetes.

Our process can even detect early signs of diabetes if you have not yet been diagnosed.

How Diabetes Affects Your Eyes

Diabetes can affect your eye health by damaging the blood vessels in your retina. These vessels can then leak blood and other fluid into your eye, increasing the risk of various eye diseases and conditions.

If you have diabetes, we recommend having yearly eye exams so we can monitor your eye health and address issues as they develop.

If we discover any issues during your eye exam, we’ll get to work on developing a strategy to help preserve your vision and eye health.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most common diabetes-related eye diseases. It occurs when sugar in your blood damages your retina’s blood vessels, causing them to bulge, break, and leak fluids over time.

These fluids can damage your retina and cause vision loss over time. You might not experience symptoms during the disease’s early stages, so detecting this issue as soon as possible is essential to preserving your vision.

Diabetic macular edema can develop because of diabetic retinopathy, and it can also lead to vision loss over time.

As fluids leak from your retina’s blood vessels, the fluids can accumulate under a part of your retina called the macula.

The macula is responsible for providing your central vision (the vision you use to read and see fine details). As fluids accumulate, the macula can swell over time and lead to visual distortions and possible vision loss.

Diabetes doesn’t just increase the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema—you may also risk developing open-angle glaucoma and cataracts.

Please visit our Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management page for more information on these issues.

See More of Your Eye Health Today

If you have diabetes, don’t wait to find the compassionate help you deserve. Our team at Eyedeal Eyecare is ready to support your vision, so Request your appointment and see more of your eye health today.

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  • 4940 W University Dr., Ste 70
  • Prosper, TX 75078

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Clinic Hours

  • Monday: 1:00 PM 5:30 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:30 AM 5:30 PM
  • Wednesday: 10:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:30 AM 5:30 PM
  • Friday: 8:30 AM 5:30 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

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