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What Are Neurolens Glasses and How Do They Work?

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A Young woman rubs her eyes after using glasses in front laptop.

Do you experience headaches, get neck and shoulder pain, or suffer from tired or dry eyes  or bouts of dizziness? Do these symptoms worsen as the day goes on, especially after long periods of using a screen? If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Many people face such issues, and the cause is sometimes related to their eyes. For such individuals, Neurolens glasses are a possible solution. But what, exactly, are Neurolens glasses?

Neurolens glasses are a revolutionary vision solution that employ contoured prism technology to correct eye misalignment and alleviate symptoms caused by misalignment of the eyes. This blog post explains the process by which Neurolens glasses work, so that you can decide whether they’re a good fit for you.

Understanding Neurolens Glasses

Neurolens glasses are specially designed to correct eye misalignment, reducing eye strain, headaches, and neck pain. These lenses work by adjusting the angle of the light entering your eyes in a way that compensates for any misalignment.

When your eyes are misaligned—meaning that each eye delivers a slightly different image to your brain—discomfort and other symptoms are  a frequent result, especially when focusing on near tasks such as reading or using digital devices. Neurolens glasses help reduce these symptoms by correcting the alignment of your eyes and providing you with a more comfortable visual experience.

Benefits of Neurolens Glasses

Neurolens glasses are designed to make seeing more comfortable. They offer many key benefits, such as:

  • Reduced Eye Strain: By correcting eye misalignment, Neurolens glasses help reduce the strain on your eyes, making it easier to focus on tasks for longer periods.
  • Headache Relief: Many people experience frequent headaches due to eye misalignment. Neurolens glasses can help alleviate this by addressing the root cause.
  • Enhanced Visual Clarity: These glasses improve overall visual clarity and comfort, especially during extended use of digital devices.
  • Improved Neck & Shoulder Comfort: By addressing eye misalignment, Neurolens glasses can lessen neck and shoulder pain.
  • Enhanced Vision Comfort: Neurolens glasses make it easier for the brain to combine visual information from both eyes, leading to more comfortable vision.
  • Reduction in Dizziness: Neurolens glasses can help reduce bouts of dizziness associated with visual strain.
  • Symptom Relief for Digital Vision Syndrome: These glasses are particularly effective for those experiencing symptoms due to extensive use of digital devices.
  • Increased Productivity: By reducing discomfort and visual strain, Neurolens glasses can help improve focus and productivity.
  • Customized Correction: Neurolens glasses are tailored to address individual levels of eye misalignment, providing a personalized solution.
  • Better Quality of Life: Overall, the reduction in physical discomfort and visual strain contributes to a better quality of life.

Who Are Neurolens Glasses Made For?

A young girl is trying new glasses in an eye care clinic.

Eye misalignment occurs when the eyes do not align perfectly, causing the brain to manually combine the separate images each eye captures. This process of adjustment stimulates the trigeminal nerve, often leading to headaches, eye strain, neck and shoulder pain, and dizziness. 

This issue is exacerbated when focusing on close-range objects such as digital screens, leading to symptoms commonly referred to as Computer Vision Syndrome. With increased reliance on digital devices, especially due to remote working and learning since 2020, these symptoms have become more prevalent, affecting at least two-thirds of people, with over 55% experiencing them daily.

Neurolens glasses are particularly beneficial for individuals who experience:

  • Frequent headaches or migraines, especially after prolonged visual tasks.
  • Chronic neck or shoulder pain.
  • Persistent eye strain or fatigue, particularly when using computers, smartphones, or reading.
  • Discomfort with prolonged near vision tasks, such as reading or detailed work.

Neurolens glasses might be an excellent solution for you if these symptoms sound familiar.

How To Get Neurolens Glasses

You should visit your optometrist to see if Neurolens glasses are right for you. Your eye doctor can perform a comprehensive eye exam to update your prescription, identify any vision or health concerns, and/or make any needed personalized recommendations for your eyes. 

Next Steps

Take the first step towards alleviating your discomfort today. Schedule an appointment with Eyedeal Eyecare to see if Neurolens glasses are the right fit for you. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the best care and solutions for your vision needs. Visit Eyedeal Eyecare and experience the difference tailored care can make.

By understanding and addressing the root causes of your visual discomfort, we can help you achieve a more comfortable and clear visual experience with Neurolens glasses.

Written by Dr. Quynh Nhi Pham

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